Going to the mattresses

“Is there a pea under this mattress? I haven’t slept a wink.”

Miss Mia Sopaipilla knows what to do with a brisk fall morning — make a blankie burrito out of herself at the foot of our bed.

Ordinarily she’s not a bed kitty, though if we leave the door ajar at night she will jump on our heads at stupid-thirty to see if we’re interested in playing with and/or feeding her.

But come fall, once everyone’s up and doing their little bits of business, she’ll burrow under the covers and assume her nom du sommeil of Lumpy the Bedbug.

6 thoughts on “Going to the mattresses

    1. She’s a funny little bugger. Fourteen years old and still quite the kitten. Still has a fine vertical leap for an old gal. And every now and then for no reason at all she says, “Rrrr!” and then races around the house, rear end sliding out in the corners.

  1. I see where Merriam-Webster has added 455 new words to its dictionary. One of them is ‘amirite,’ possibly due in no small part to its usage here. At least, this is where I’ve been seeing it.

    In keeping with the times, M-W also added ‘super-spreader,’ ‘long COVID’ and ‘vaccine passport.’

    1. I forget where I lifted “amirite,” but it’s been around for a while, amirite? Good on M-W for keeping an eye on the fluidity of the language. Though I wish they hadn’t had to absorb “super-spreader,” “long COVID” and “vaccine passport.” Sigh.

  2. I love seeing photos of Miss Mia Sopaipilla, as she looks so much like our dear departed, Ivan the Terrible, another faux-Blue Russian. Keep her in your heart for as long as you can hold her. Dale

    1. Miss Mia is a beauty, isn’t she? And so much fun to have around. Very vocal, likes to announce a productive visit to the litter box (“MrrrrrOWWWWWWWW!”). Got a good little purrbox in ’er too. Gallivants quite nicely for a lady of her advanced years.

      She will not curl up in a lap, though. Nor will she get in a bed occupied by a human for any purpose other than waking them from a sound sleep. If you snatch her up for a quick cuddle, she’ll consent for a few moments, but permits extended displays of affection in just three locations: on the “Furmination Station,” a chair where Herself brushes her nightly; atop a small wall separating the guest bathroom’s toilet and tub from the sinks; and in a small window in the adobe wall of the tiny bar adjoining the living room.

      She’s definitely a character. It’s sad that that your Ivan is no longer with you. If they knew how much we miss them when they’re gone maybe they wouldn’t leave us.

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