Paging Mr. DeMille

“Holy Moses. … this may be the worst staff infection I’ve ever seen.”

Shit is getting Biblical here in the Land of Enchantment, a division of Netflix, Inc.

We have the fires and floods in and around Ruidoso, another blaze in El Malpais National Monument, and a dust storm up by Algodones that caused a 17-vehicle pileup, closed Interstate 25 in both directions, and sent 18 people to the hospital — plus two more to the calaboose after they acted the fool in the presence of law enforcement.

Quite a kickoff to the summer solstice. I don’t think we have to worry about the Rio Grande turning to blood, though. That’s what Central Avenue is for.

13 thoughts on “Paging Mr. DeMille

  1. Despite the “feels like” temp here at 102 with nary a breeze to be had; there is no chance of fire unless the AC implodes. Which could happen since the electric grid must be maxed and then some. Strangely, I was suffering through a bike ride last evening drenched in sweat thinking about your rampant fires. I heard some thunder rumble and within 3 minutes it began raining and blowing for real. Even though I got under a trail canopy I was still hammered as the rain was blowing sideways but at least it rinsed the sweat off me. I had checked Acuweather before heading out but these pop up storms are so quick to develop. Got home and was glad to see power still on since the temp/humidity shot up again to sauna level.

    1. Check out the imagery of the haboob that swept through New Mexico. The Washington Post is all of a sudden paying attention to us for some reason. Maybe they heard I was thinking about croaking our subscription because they’re turning the op into a bad reboot of “Fawlty Towers.”

      That humidity is a bear. I remember it from San Antone, and not fondly, either. In those dark days I think we had a couple of Fedders windows units to cool the house, which mostly they did not, unless you were playing Monopoly or Risk right underneath them.

  2. Your caption on the photo is golden! See, you are smart.

    Herb, that wet bulb temperature will get you every time. You sweat, but it doesn’t cool you off. Be careful out there buddy.

    1. It’s black humor, a specialty of the ink-stained wretch. When you’re up to your eyebrows in horror, tragedy, and venality at The Daily Disappointment the temptation to “go there” is almost impossible to resist. I bet 80 percent of the best jokes you’ve ever heard about some very public nightmare originated on a copy desk somewhere.

    2. By Zeus you’re right POB. At 3 pm I decided to water the garden and flower plots. Like, how big a deal is it just holding a hose even though it’s 99 degrees. Turns out after 30 minutes it IS a big deal. Got a bit woozy out there. Took two parings of Simple Limeade and Chairman’s Reserve Saint Lucia Rum to square me back up again. No bike ride tonight. Hell I don’t think I’ll even risk the 600 foot hike to get the mail. It can get its own damn self.

  3. Hey, we could put an end to these fires, floods, haboobs, and other problems by just putting the Ten Commandments back in our schools! Paging Charlton Heston….paging Cecil B. DeMille…..paging Governor Landry….

  4. So there I was rolling along on a fine summer day thinking about how delightful it was that I wasn’t roasting in excessive heat, that I wasn’t breathing smoke from a possible wildfire, that although we get strong winds in our area the concern of a haboob forming up was minimal and the area river of water was crescent blue and not red with the blood of some vegan god, and then my wheel washed out. Slide, thunk and into the weeds I was. The asphalt was just warm enough and the light dusting of summer weeds had made the surface just slick enough that a wayward rider not paying enough attention to his adhesion, was reminded that even the finest riders can still go down. But fortunately my body responded slowly enough that contact was made with multiple points of skin and the road rash isn’t too bad. My Fruit-of-the-Earth Aloe Vera application pain meter doesn’t register too high when I coat my road rash areas. I look worse than I feel and the bike is all ok. I’m ready for another day of riding and realize that statistically, I may not go down again for a while. That is if I’m not daydreaming too much.

    Fortunately my mishap didn’t involve the interaction with a heavier vehicle and more serious injury. Here’s hoping that your friend (POG) is recovery well.

    I wonder though; maybe somebody out there in another dimension had a staff and they wondered how hard it would be to just nudge the front wheel of a cyclist as he wound down an asphalt pathway.

    1. Ah, bummer. Anyone who ever threw a leg over a top tube has enjoyed the surprise slide-out. I had a couple close calls today myself, riding slightly overinflated 35mm tires in soft sand surrounded by sharp foliage. But I got lucky and kept the stupid side up.

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