Just humming along

Open for business.

I suppose I should be laser-focused on the doings in Manhattan, but I’m more interested in whether we’ll get some hummingbirds at the feeder this morning. We saw our first hummers of spring last evening, just before dusk, doing an aerial dance around the ornamental plum.

Speaking of feeders, do you think that when Porky hears “Order in the court!” he reflexively blurts, “Two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fishes, and a large chocolate shake!”

10 thoughts on “Just humming along

  1. PO’G: In the FWIW category, I choose to focus my efforts (versus my concerns) on what I can impact/influence. Most of the times that’s thinking locally and acting locally – – e.g. my HOA vs. a former President’s trial in NYC.

    Congrats on a beautiful yard and keeping the hummers humming! Still awaiting Spring here in the Black Forest, CO.

    1. Good advice, JD. We were tickled to finally see some hummers. We’re supposed to have a few that winter in place, rather than travel to Texas or Old Mexico, but I hadn’t heard or seen any all winter. Now the quail are back too. Cute little devils, scurrying around in the underbrush like commuters late for the train.

      Here’s hoping spring finally pays you a visit. Been a long winter for you folks.

  2. While the Dumpster Fire story is getting interesting, do absolutely keep your eyes more on the feeder and the hummers. Your brain will hurt far less.

    1. For real, Dave. Dude is a classic bully, always punching down while playing the martyr. Boring doesn’t begin to describe it. I’d love to see a real big woman slap him across that smug mug, send the orange pancake flying like a dust devil whirling through. But I suppose the SS might not let that happen …. even if they’re sicker of him than we are.

  3. Hummingbird activity has really picked up in the last 3 weeks. We had one Anna’s male hummer around here most of the winter, then he disappeared. We don’t know why, and the next door neighbor said her hummer activity stopped as well. But, a female Anna’s took up residence 3 weeks ago. Others are coming in to the feeders, and we again have aerial combat around the patio. As Dave says, the hummers are much better entertainment than news about the defendant. The jury will decide, the appeals will start, and the toro poo poo will continue. 

    1. Ours are turning up later in the day than usual … or later than I recall, anyway. Could be creeping senility. But I recall seeing them swing by around 5 p.m. the past couple years, and this new crowd doesn’t show up until 7 p.m. or thereabouts. Maybe they’re visiting New Yorkers, operating on another time zone?

      1. Ours stop by early for a carbo load, but they come later in the morning as nights warm up. When the sun hits the bushes and trees, it’s all hands on deck to feed on the swarming gnats and other bugs. 

  4. Glad the hummers didn’t buy into our false summer like weather awhile back. Colder than a well diggers ass right now with frost each night and the poor fruit growers are gonna lose some apples and peaches. My strawberry plants don’t know what the hell to do. Neither does Old Herb since last week it was shorts and now, down jackets. Ah hell…it’s only April and like most here I did buy into early spring. But I hear a bottle of Ancient Peaks 2019 Renegade calling….

    1. Oof. Talk about false summer. We’ve got 80-something* going on here today. The quail slowed to a stroll, and I’m pretty sure they were sweating. Herself turned on the A/C for the drive home from the Death Star. It’s still only April 23, yeah?

      * Turns out we hit 83°, two short of the record set in 2002.

      1. Temperatures on a roller coaster ride the next week from 71 to 87 degrees with plenty of wind. But, no worries, we will soon break heat records all summer which will probably be the hottest summer on record. That’s until next summer. Meanwhile, I got a cold call this morning from the NRC saying that dumpster will unite the country and I should help pay for it. I told the human lady that I was sick, evil, and real vermin. So, let’s come together! 

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