Spring, forward!

The wide shoulders on Tramway, coupled with its dearth of spotlights (one at the top, one at the casino, and one at the bottom), make it a popular hill with the Duke City peloton.
The wide shoulders on Tramway, coupled with its dearth of spotlights (one at the top, one at the casino, and one at the bottom), make it a popular hill with the Duke City peloton.

Daylight-saving time always cleans my mental clock. You wouldn’t think that surrendering just one of 24 hours would be so much of a much, but every year it leaves me a bubble or two off plumb for a few days.

“A few days.” Heh. I hear you snickering out there.

Herself celebrated another lap around the sun on Saturday, so we went out to dinner at Scalo Northern Italian Grill before having our REMs rerouted for … for what, exactly? I forget. Drowsy for some reason.

Then, on Sunday, she ran and vacuumed, and I mowed and rode. With no new review bikes in the Adventure Cyclist queue until St. Patrick’s Day, once again it was Ride Your Own Damn’ Bike Day®, this time the Soma Saga Disc. Nothing special, just a ride down Tramway to the Sandia Resort & Casino and back, with a digression into the honky-chateau ‘hood of High Desert for some light extra-credit climbing.

All in all, a pleasant diversion from the endless goose-stepping through the media by Il Douche, who’s simultaneously expanding and contracting the boundaries of the First Amendment by (a) offering to pay the legal bills of anyone who assaults a protester at one of his Nuremberg rallies, and (2) ordering the laws to arrest not the assailants, but rather the victims.

It’s a wonderful country, to be sure. Last time I saw a big sack of stale air making this much bad noise a red-headed dude in a kilt was involved.

13 thoughts on “Spring, forward!

  1. Obviously nobody working in the government has ever had a real job.

    If they had, daylight savings would start at 4 o’clock on a Friday afternoon.

    1. Aw, it’s just a trick of the camera. The bell is an easy reach for the index finger. But now that I look at it, the thing would look a lot neater underneath the bar. Voila!

    1. Just like David Suzuki said, “We’re in a giant car heading towards a brick wall and everyone’s arguing over where they’re going to sit.”

      Or how about this also from him, “Too many people, with too much technology, using too much of nature, too fast.”

      Or my question for the pope or a climate change deniers, “Just how many fucking people do you think the planet can support before it turns to shit?”

      1. Like O’G said, we too are doing our part. No kids either of us know of.

        My favorite analogy to climate change is we are headed through a blind curve. A bar has just closed on the other side of the curve. You know there might be drunks, but not how many or when they are driving your way. Do you speed up or slow down?

        Too much bitching about short term profits, not enough worry about what we leave a century down the road. Like all of us here, I won’t be around to suffer, but it doesn’t mean I don’t give a flying….

      2. You have to look at the planet the way you would a rental. Take care of it, and before moving out do your best to tidy up. It’s rude to leave a mess for the next tenant.

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