Travels with Frances

I want to see this movie.

Surprise, surprise, hey? The guy whose Motel 6 of choice used to be a Toyota pickup with a six-foot bed and a topper wants to see a movie about people who live in their vehicles.

Well, for your information, wiseguys, I read the book of the same name, by Jessica Bruder, and it was excellent. And furthermore, I would watch a flick about paint drying if Frances McDermond were in it.

So, yeah. You can find me with a big box of popcorn in front of the TV on Feb. 19 when “Nomadland” comes to Hulu. But queueing up for a gig at Amazon’s new fulfillment center on the west side? Not this old rubber tramp.

Remember, I read the book. Anyway, I don’t have a Toyota pickup anymore.

9 thoughts on “Travels with Frances

    1. Roger wilco. I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets wider distribution pretty quick, as it already seems to be an awards contender.

      I don’t understand the distribution scheme any longer, if I ever did. But in Bug Time, everything seems to go straight to streaming.

    1. Herself added it to our menu of services so we could watch the new season of “Fargo,” which is kind of meh, despite Chris Rock. Beyond that, I can’t say we’ve used it much. We’re mostly about the Netflix these days.

  1. Having read the book book years ago, I am curious to see how it translates You need to review it for us network depraved. But it sucks to be on hulu.. My espousa has netfix, Amazon Prime and Cbs all access plus the Sling package CNN and Paramount for her. Refuse to spend another 10 bucks on this current crap.

    1. Yeah, there’s just too much TV out there anymore. Netflix we flog pretty hard. We’ve been playing catchup on all the stuff everybody else watched eons ago, like “Community,” which is our current binge-watch.

      HBO seems to have gone more or less to hell since the AT&T Time Warner acquisition. Amazon Prime gets an occasional looksee.

      1. Amazon prime? Dark side, it is.

        How about “Miss Scarlett and The Duke” on PBS? The whole season is there for streaming on Passport. Sixty bucks a year, plus a little extra if the govment sends you money you don’t need, and Bob’s your uncle.

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