12 thoughts on “Perro-Roubaix

  1. Those pavers haven’t been seasoned enough. Two world wars (with tanks), 400 years of ox carts, 100 years of trucks and cars and then they’re bicycle ready.

    1. Don’t forget 400 years of rain. Bibleburg wouldn’t be as tough. Shit, we still have trails dating back to the Anasazi down here that I hump the mountain bike over.

      1. Embarrassing admittere: I have driven a good hunk of P-R and LBL … but did not even own a bike at the time.

        In fact, as the battalion intell guy and officer-in-charge of the annual terrain walk / staff ride, Uncle Sugar paid me to recon those roads. And I could have picked just about any week, and I blindly/ignorantly picked a few weeks after P-R.

        Would love to get a mulligan on that one.

    2. Looks like a freeway compared to the real thing! After riding over the ones in Flanders I have ZERO desire to bounce around on the Paris-Roubaix version. Walking the length of the Arenberg section was enough! Good race today, the Omega boyz finally silenced their critics for the spring with Terpstra’s big win.
      I have a pair of Ritchey “Trail Mix” tires for my ‘cross/winter bike laying around the shop, but I’ve never felt dirty enough to put ’em on

  2. I rode a street with 2000 YO paving that was better than that. Granted it was too narrow for cars and trucks (barely wide enough for a bike and a person on foot to pass) so it was spared heavy traffic. Anything heavier than a horse would not have fit down that street.

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