Trump card

The 2016 pestilential election is turning into one of the less-than-hilarious Monty Python sketches.

“You’ve got a nice representative democracy here, citizen.”


“We wouldn’t want anything to happen to it. …”


Even the dumbest casino guy knows a Smith & Wesson beats four aces.
Even the dumbest casino guy knows a Smith & Wesson beats four aces.

What indeed. Ronald McDonald McTrump has clearly let the fat in his fast-food diet go straight to his head, where a .25-caliber brain struggles to govern a .50-caliber mouth.

I wonder what his Secret Service detail thinks about his quip about a Second Amendment solution to a president’s constitutionally derived authority (Article 2, Section 2) to nominate judges, given that their colleagues protect the other candidate for the job.

The candidate whose back Der Trumpenführer just decorated with a red-white-and-blue bullseye.

22 thoughts on “Trump card

  1. Asshole is sitting next to a pool full of gasoline, and he keeps playing with matches. The only question is, “who is the conductor of this window dressing election we are about to have?”

    1. Its bad enough having to choose between a raving lunatic and a compulsive liar, but it keeps getting worse. I think anyone with half a brain (which leaves out Trump) knows what the implications of a 2A solution are. To the chants of “put her in jail” we need to add “put him in jail”.

    2. I’m starting to wonder whether the Clintons rigged the GOP primary using a private email server, their foundation and their Shadow-esque abilities to cloud minds. I mean, if slightly less than half the electorate hates you, you couldn’t ask for a better candidate to run against.

      1. And now this blowbag claims Obama and Clinton co-founders of ISIS? I’m amazed at how the right-wing can blame stuff that happened during the W administration on the guy elected to clean up the mess. Like when W’s lil’ bro made the “he kept us safe” claim – why was he not laughed off the stage? These people really do seem to have lost their minds.

      2. You wouldn’t believe all the mini trumps we have here in AZ. The asshat mayor of a trashy little town just North of here got a letter inviting him to a meeting of border town mayors from both the United States and Mexico. He won’t go because the letter was in both English and Spanish. Said we only have one language. Can’t make shit this stupid up.

  2. A change of subject, Dan Craven (Namibia) last place in the games on a regular bicycle, my kind of guy. Sorry about the subject change but I’ve had it up to here about dumbo.

    1. A change of pace — even from that source — is welcome. What with Der Trumpenführer, the Baltimore cops, and a report that there isn’t a single state in which a full-time worker earning minimum wage can rent a market-rate one-bedroom flat for 30 percent or less of their income, I’m starting to wonder if maybe I’m back in high school, on the nod after a long day of reading apocalyptic science fiction and eating mescaline.

      Here’s a fun story for anyone who hasn’t already lost his or her mind: A planning and transportation commissioner for Palo Alto can’t afford to live in Silicon Valley, though she’s a product attorney and her husband is a software engineer. They’re presently renting a house with another couple … for $6,200 per month. Good times. Maybe not.

      1. Niece and nephew in law just moved to Seattle. He’s a computer scientist working for a well known company. A studio apartment in the city, a whopping 550 square feet, costs them $1800 a month, no utilities included.
        Here’s what $1100 a month gets you in our neighborhood.

        NPR had a piece on Silicon Valley yesterday, and the bottom line is that the bottom is about to fall out there. The regular folks that work there simply can’t afford to live within commuting distance anymore. You have to make $300K a year or so to afford to live there.

      2. I short listed for a couple jobs in the Stanford U area a few years back. Looked at salary vs. cost of living and just rolled my eyes and said F it.

        That is the problem with income inequality. Rich can buy up all the housing stock and then suck the lifeblood out of everyone else.

      3. The wife was short-listed awhile back for a job in SoCal. I did a little number crunching and advised her that it would likely take TRIPLE her current salary here in Ioway just to stay even. Didn’t shed a tear when it turned out funding for the position never came through.

  3. My dream political matchup was Sanders vs Trump, but instead we got Billary, just like we got Kerry instead of Dean. I’m not a fan of Billary but the Supreme’s they’ll appoint will do a lot of good for a long, long time.

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