Candy kiss-off for Valentine’s Day

Here's your hat, there's the door, what's your Russian?
Here’s your hat, there’s the door, what’s your Russian?

Twenty-four days. That’s how long tovarisch Mike Flynn lasted as national-security adviser.

In case you were wondering, yes, that’s a record.

Over at The Washington Post, national political corresponent James Hohmann has 10 unanswered questions you might find interesting.

At The New York Times, the Donks are demanding to be sung their favorite bedtime lullaby, “What Did the President Know (And When Did He Know It)?” This has all the gravitas and authority of a puppy yapping from his kennel while the humans are at work.

Trouble is, these mainstream-media types are all spewing the usual bullshit about what Beelzebozo can and can’t do now; the “future credibility” of his various mouthpieces, stooges, finks, flappers and handlers; and which useful idiot will replace the outgoing useful idiot. None of this addresses the central issue, which is that Ronald McDonald McTrump and the battalion of buffoons crowded into his stretch clown car are not Business As Usual and cannot be covered as such.

Perhaps most amusing is the pronouncement from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Self-Interest) that a Senate Intelligence Committee inquiry into Russian tinkering with the election will go “wherever the truth leads us.” Little Marco doesn’t go places where he might trip over an inconvenient fact and bruise his ambition.


24 thoughts on “Candy kiss-off for Valentine’s Day

  1. And now I’ll make my weekly call to my representatives in DC. This week it’ll be to ask, “Are you folks going to do ANYTHING to fulfill your oath of office? I don’t think the people you represent want you to be little more than a rubber stamp on the Trump regime.”

    1. I got a condescending reply email from Flake about the Devos nomination. He said gave the president deference on Devos because “elections have consequences.” No shit, Sherlock. Took 15 miles on the Niner this morning to flush that vomitus out of my brain pan. I have zero confidence in congress. None. Nada. Talking to them is a waste of time. Assholes wanted Trump; now they got him. I have done my due diligence.

      1. Crazy thing is, I just told me wife, no matter how bad things get, no one gets fired for 5 months. Almost half a year, kids are out of school, perfect time for “wants to spend more time with the family.” Under 5 months, the hiring agent looks like a boob for hiring someone obviously unqualified.

        Then Flynn. Spicer in another month?

        So a reminder, nothing is normal here.

  2. Since this is loosely a bike blog, and today is a red letter day, from qikipedia:

    After the invention of the bicycle, the average distance between birthplaces of spouses in England increased from one mile to 30 miles.

      1. Methinks this could be a potentially profitable slippery slope of gradual incrementalism: What’s next? A New Mexico Green Chile Cheeseburger holiday? Then, a National Green Chile Cheeseburger Day?

        After Hatch, it might put Galisteo (a census-designated Metropolitan Statistical Area) on the radar??

        Huge upsides here!! 🙂

      2. Speaking of a slippery slope, there is a lot of smoke coming out under the edges of Darth Cheeto’s tent. Sorta smells like a kolbasa BBQ or sumptin. Press got their noses under the tent trying to figure out where it is coming from. Massive leaks from the people’s house and the intel folks is my bet. I think we will see some fire soon.

  3. What.

    President Trump’s current job approval in Gallup poll, by race: blacks 11%; Hispanics 19%; whites 53%

    In the 2028 bio-pic, trump’s staff will be played by a troop of bonobo monkeys humping footballs.

    Exactly what “job” has he done of which anyone could possibly be proud? He didn’t effing spill soup on his tie at last Tuesday’s luncheon? That’s all I can think of.

    1. Electing Trump for revenge on the political elite was like burning down the hotel because of a bed bug problem. But, people love watching a big fire. That is the only explanation I can think of for those poll numbers. But, congress has had a 25% or lower approval rating, dipped into the single digits more than once during that time, and yet 94% of the incumbents got re-elected in 2016. That number was over 85% for the last 20 plus years. Explain that shit to me. Oh, yea, what Larry’s better half (the professor) says…..

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